"In February 2023 we walked in the door and immediately recognized these people were serving our God."
CHR Faithful
Our family has lived in White Salmon now for 30 years. We raised four children here, coached sports teams and over the years attended multiple churches with our family. After the last church we attended sadly disbanded we decided to take a break from the “buildings”, but never a break from walking with the Lord.
As empty nesters we started to notice our friend group was dwindling as we watched them move away for various new adventures. Then several people whom we knew began to invite us to visit Covenant Church Hood River. In February 2023 we walked in the door and immediately recognized these people were serving our God. We instantly felt the warmth and love of the greeters and other members of the congregation.
For years I (Cory) have been telling my wife Kristin that we will need to find new friends, adding the qualifier (tongue in cheek) that I am short on pallbearers. I (Kristin) had been spiritually motivated to find a church home that had a biblical worldview. Walking by faith and not by sight means we don’t know all of the answers. And we don’t know what’s coming next. But whatever we face it means that when we put our trust in the Holy Spirit, He will be right there beside us.
2023 presented major changes to our lifestyle. Changes that offered an opportunity to turn our attentions even more towards God for guidance and joy. And in confirmation, God responded to our praises with signs and miracles, both big and small, assuring us both we were on the right path, and that CHR was playing a crucial role in our lives. After the first couple of visits to Covenant, it felt like Pastor Fritz had prepared the word specifically for us. Throughout this past year his sermons encouraged, sustained, comforted, and challenged us. But now, in our twelve months of attendance, it’s very clear that it’s not actually Pastor Fritz who is preparing the message and leading this church, it is the Holy Spirit. In God we trust.
– Cory & Kristin