Luanne Heiser
Retired Retail Mgr. | CHR Faithful
I was raised and taught to love Jesus my whole youth. My home was stable. My dad was an alcoholic but never let it effect his business or us kids. I was a good kid til I hit my teenage years then I started doing some drugs and drinking, partying with friends…

Retired Retail Mgr. | CHR Faithful
I was raised and taught to love Jesus my whole youth. My home was stable. My dad was an alcoholic but never let it effect his business or us kids. I was a good kid til I hit my teenage years then I started doing some drugs and drinking, partying with friends...
I then married right after High School and we both partied together. The drugs and the drinking eventually got worse and I ended up in treatment at the age of 28. My husband and I both gave our hearts to Jesus after that. We attended AA and stayed sober for almost 13 years.
The enemy is sneaky and very patient! I let my guard down and started drinking some again. I then struggled off and on for many years. Most of the time still attending church, trying to be who God wanted me to be. I would sometimes stay sober for a couple of years but would then fall back again. During this time God had always been with me. He protected me and others while I would drive drunk. But He did allow a series of very scary events to happen that were horrible for myself and family. That was when I really surrendered!
It's been a journey back to my Heavenly Fathers arms since then. It's been 2 1/2 years since that fateful time. Together, God and I drew a line in the sand and will never go back. Alcohol was a prison for me. It became my God, but never again! I've since then been baptized for the second time. I am a new person in Christ!
I've still had some problems, but never have I gone back to that dreadful time when alcohol and the devil owned me. I am free! It's never too late to start over and you can start over as many times as needed. Although I highly recommend you just stay with Jesus and follow Him. Only then are we truly free!!
- Luanne
I then married right after High School and we both partied together. The drugs and the drinking eventually got worse and I ended up in treatment at the age of 28. My husband and I both gave our hearts to Jesus after that. We attended AA and stayed sober for almost 13 years.
The enemy is sneaky and very patient! I let my guard down and started drinking some again. I then struggled off and on for many years. Most of the time still attending church, trying to be who God wanted me to be. I would sometimes stay sober for a couple of years but would then fall back again. During this time God had always been with me. He protected me and others while I would drive drunk. But He did allow a series of very scary events to happen that were horrible for myself and family. That was when I really surrendered!
It's been a journey back to my Heavenly Fathers arms since then. It's been 2 1/2 years since that fateful time. Together, God and I drew a line in the sand and will never go back. Alcohol was a prison for me. It became my God, but never again! I've since then been baptized for the second time. I am a new person in Christ!
I've still had some problems, but never have I gone back to that dreadful time when alcohol and the devil owned me. I am free! It's never too late to start over and you can start over as many times as needed. Although I highly recommend you just stay with Jesus and follow Him. Only then are we truly free!!
- Luanne
Sharing your story is a simple yet powerful way to tell people about Jesus. Talking about what He has done for you gives others hope for what they are going through, it’s your verbal expression of how He has changed your life.
Talking about what He has done for you gives others hope for what they are going through, it’s your verbal expression of how He has changed your life.